Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What happens when you love maths...

Today in problem solving, the students had to find out the area of a football pitch and how much spray was needed to cover it. It wasn't an easy question and it really got the students thinking! 

Here is Jordan and Vaibhav working hard in their lunch hour to get an answer - twenty minutes in fact! Awesome enthusiasm boys.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Handshake Market!

This afternoon our students competed in the Handshake Market! Students were either buyers or sellers. Buyers had the blue cards and sellers had the red. Students had to negotiate a price with the person they were buying or selling from. Buyers wanted to buy their card for as little as possible, sellers wanted to get as much as possible! 

Here is a time-lapsed video of what it looked like! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


In Navigators 3 we have been looking at the economy. So far we have covered interest, tax and today we have started looking at supply and demand. While we do not encourage students to spend their entire lives on devices a small amount of time on the above app may expose them to buying business's and some important economic ideas. Fully at parental discretion of course!

Monday, March 11, 2019

What are our taxes used for in St Martins neighbourhood?

Each student received a Google Map of our local area. They had to mark examples of places which taxes are used e.g public parks. We talked about the Government and the Council and how the taxes support out local area... e.g. roads, footpaths, planting of trees, power poles, libraries. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Music - with Mrs Murray

Room 20 had their second music session with Mrs Murray this afternoon. They were looking at pitch and beats.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Bartering Time!

This afternoon for inquiry we discussed the different forms of money society has used. This included shells, cocoa beans, gold, silver, coins and paper money. More recently, we talked about the use of cheque books, Eftpos cards, PayWave, Apple Pay, PayPal, Pay Later and Bit Coin!

The students got into groups and were given bartering cards. The requirements were...
- enough food for everyone in the group
- shelter
- essential items required to live.

The cards included chickens, cows, fishing rods, water, trees, logs, seeds, tools and more! 

Below, Hamish is writing about how we can use the sheep, chickens and cows

Performing Arts

Our students had their first day with Mrs Boxwell (our new Performing Arts teacher) this week. They had a great day thinking ahead to the W...

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